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Integrating Argos with GitLab

Enhance your GitLab workflow with Argos for streamlined visual testing, direct feedback on merge requests, and easy GitLab repository access.

Advantages of GitLab Integration

  • Log in effortlessly via GitLab
  • Access to GitLab repositories
  • Get Argos feedback on your pull requests.

Connecting a GitLab Repository

By leveraging GitLab's Personal Access Token, Argos communicates via a dedicated GitLab Bot User. This setup ensures direct feedback on your pull requests.

1. Generate a Personal Access Token in GitLab

  • Go to GitLab tokens settings.
  • Click "Add new token".
  • Set an expiration date 12 months ahead (maximum allowed).
  • Click "Create personal access token" and then copy the generated token.

Generate a Personal Access Token in GitLab


You can also use a Project Access Token if you want to restrict access to a single project. If you choose this option, be sure to use set the role of the token as developer.

2. Configure the Generated Token in Argos

On Argos, navigate to "Team Settings" → "GitLab", enter the generated token and save the changes.

Configure GitLab in Argos

In Argos, go to "Team projects", then click on "Create a new Project". Select "Continue with GitLab", pick your GitLab organization and the desired repository. The new project will appear in your projects list.

Configure GitLab in Argos

Connecting a Argos project to a GitLab Repository

First, ensure the GitLab Personal Access Token has been configured correctly

In Argos, navigate to "Project Settings" → "Connect Git Repository" and select the desired GitHub repository for association.